Adult Immunisation Clinic in Indore

Adult Immunisation Clinic

Immunisation is a method through which vaccines are given to protect individuals against different types of diseases and prevent them from getting sick. Even though vaccines are generally administered to children to protect them from various diseases, adults may also require them.

Immunisation helps protect the individuals from acquiring a wide range of diseases. Most of these diseases spread easily from one person to another and lead to serious health conditions, including death.

When adults haven’t been fully vaccinated in childhood, they might require vaccinations later in life. Moreover, the immunity derived from childhood vaccines tends to wear off over time. As we increase in age, we tend to become more susceptible to developing certain diseases caused by common infections, including flu, pneumococci, and herpes zoster.

Sometimes, adults may also require vaccinations to prevent outbreak of diseases, especially in countries that are densely populated, where infections can spread easily from one person to the next. This was recently seen when the world dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic. Spread of certain diseases transmitted via sexual contact or bloodstream can be prevented by vaccinations. Additionally, some vaccines have to be specifically given to post-transplant patients.

Vaccines can safeguard the immune system from diseases, preventing the person from getting sick.

They boost the immune system safely by using a weakened version of germs to enable the defence mechanism of the body to fight back against the infection. Even though they are associated with side effects, they rarely make people seriously ill.

Many vaccines can lead to side effects such as:

  • Red, tender skin at the place where you got the shot
  • Mild fever
  • Occasionally, a reaction characterised by rash, fever, swollen lymph nodes, and joint pain can occur.

However, having these side effects does not mean that you got an infection or that you are sick. Severe side effects of vaccines are rare and in most cases, the benefits of taking vaccinations far outweigh the risks.

Vaccines are recommended on the basis of many different factors such as occupational status, patient’s age, prior vaccination status, and associated health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, and respiratory disease.

Although many different patient-specific factors are considered before recommending vaccines, there are certain vaccines that are generally recommended for adults, including:

  • COVID-19
    The COVID-19 vaccine helps prevent COVID-19 virus infection. Even if the vaccinated person somehow gets the infection, the risk of getting seriously ill or dying from the infection decreases to a great extent.
  • Flu (influenza)
    The vaccination for influenza is recommended to prevent flu for all individuals aged more than six months. Adults above 50 should not, however, go for the nasal spray flu vaccine. In older adults, flu can lead to severe complications, which makes vaccination crucial.
  • Hepatitis B
    It is a disease that affects the liver. All adults with age between 19 to 59 years must be recommended for the hepatitis B vaccine. It is also given to adults who are aged above 60 years and are at a higher risk of developing Hepatitis B. However, the vaccine is not particularly recommended for those above 60 who have known risk factors. If you are in that age group and want to take the vaccine, you may still be given it.
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)
    It is a common virus that gives rise to a wide range of diseases, including cancer. The vaccine for Human papillomavirus virus is given to boys and girls aged 11 or 12. If they start taking the vaccines at a later age, say at 15 to 26, they must receive three vaccine doses.
  • Pneumococcal vaccine
    Pneumococcal vaccines are recommended for adults aged more than 65 years. One dose of the vaccine is sometimes also given to younger adults whose risk of getting pneumococcal disease is higher. Pneumococcal diseases include infections like pneumonia, meningitis, or bloodstream infections.
  • Shingles
    Shingles in adults is preventable by vaccines. Although Shingles is not life-threatening, it can be very painful.
  • Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis (Tdap)
    Tdap vaccine grants protection against three different diseases— pertussis, diphtheria, and tetanus. One dose of Tdap should also be given during each pregnancy when the gestational age is between 27 to 36. A booster dose should be taken every ten years.

Some special conditions should be considered before the administration of vaccines, including:

  • Work in places where exposure to certain types of infectious agents can occur, such as laboratory personnel and abattoir workers.
  • Travel to certain areas
  • Spleen removal
  • Previous allergic reactions
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • History of seizures
  • Chronic diseases, including moderate to severe illnesses.
  • Recent history of administration of certain other vaccines.
  • Immunocompromised individuals
  • History of blood transfusion
  • Low immunity due to certain medications or diseases, such as cancer and HIV

Vaccines are generally safe to use and have a high protection rate. Mild degree of fever or reaction at the local site can occur, which can be treated symptomatically. More serious side effects of vaccines are very rare.

To maintain the vaccine efficiency, those must be stored appropriately at appropriate temperatures. Care needs to be taken during their administration and handling to minimise the risks and ensure maximum protection.

The common vaccines usually given to adults include the Shingles vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, Tdap, influenza vaccine, and Hepatitis B vaccine.

Immunisation grants protection against different types of diseases in adults and prevents serious health implications, including death. Vaccines give protection not only to individuals but to the whole community. Proper storage and handling of vaccines are ensured at our Adult Immunisation Clinic. We have expert medical professionals for administering the vaccines and for the documentation of the same. The vaccines are only recommended after complete history taking, physical examination, and evaluation of the associated medical conditions. Visit the best Adult Immunisation Clinic in Indore where we follow quality standards and international guidelines are followed during all the procedures.

  • International standard medical care and treatment for individuals with simple and complex ENT disorders
  • Delivery of the highest possible education to trainees such as medical and paramedical professionals
  • Provision of high-quality treatment at reasonable cost to individuals from economically weak sections of the society through community service activities.