Deaddiction Clinic

Deaddiction Clinic

Addiction is one of the main causes of mortality and morbidity worldwide. There is a growing range and variety of substances that people are getting addicted to in India. The impact of addiction on professional and personal life is substantial and can’t be ignored or taken lightly.

Addiction refers to a chronic dysfunction of the brain system involving motivation, reward, and memory. It is characterised by the body craving a behaviour or substance, especially when it causes an obsessive or compulsive pursuit of “reward” and lack of concern over consequences.

Some of the common agents causing addiction include Tobacco (Nicotine), Alcohol, Illicit Drugs (Opium, Cannabis, Cocaine & Hallucinogens), Pain Medications, and Laxatives.

Someone experiencing an addiction will:

  • Display a lack of self- control when it comes to the object of the addiction.
  • Be unable to stop the addictive behaviour or stay away from the substance.
  • Experience an increasing desire for the behaviour or the substance.
  • Not accept how their behaviour may be giving rise to problems.
  • Lack an emotional response.

Addictions can seriously affect the daily life of the person involved, over time. People experiencing this problem are also susceptible to cycles of remission and relapse. This means they may cycle between mild and intense use. In spite of the cycles, addictions tend to typically worsen with time, leading to serious consequences ranging from bankruptcy to permanent health complications.

Most signs of addiction are related to the inability or impaired ability of a person to maintain self-control. This includes changes that are:

  • Behavioural, including increased secrecy.
  • Social, including seeking out situations encouraging a behaviour or a substance.
  • Related to personality.
  • Health related, such as memory loss or insomnia

Someone who is addicted won’t stop their behaviour, even if they are aware of all the adverse effects of the problem. Some people also display a lack of control, like using something more than intended.

Following are some emotional and behavioural changes associated with addiction:

  • Blaming other people or factors for their problems
  • Poor or unrealistic assessment of the pros and cons
  • Associated with behaviours and using substances
  • Increased sensitivity and more severe reactions to stress
  • Increased levels of depression, anxiety, and sadness
  • Trouble determining the difference between the physical sensations and feelings of one’s emotions.

Addictive behaviours and substances can create a psychological and physical pleasurable “high”. You will typically be using more of certain agents or engage in behaviours longer to achieve the same high again. The addiction becomes difficult to stop over time.

The brain

Some individuals may try a behaviour or substance and never pursue it again, while others may become addicted. This is mainly due to the frontal lobes of the brain. The frontal lobe lets a person delay feelings of gratification or reward. Apart from that, the frontal lobe malfunctions and gratification is immediate.

Additional brain areas may also play a role in addiction. The nucleus accumbens and anterior cingulate cortex, which is linked with pleasurable sensations, can increase the response of a person when exposed to addictive behaviours and substances.

Other possible causes of addiction include chemical imbalances in the brain and mental disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia. These disorders can result in coping strategies that become addictions.

Early exposure

It is believed by experts that early and repeated exposure to addictive behaviours and substances play a significant role. The likelihood of an addiction is also increased by about 50 percent by genetics. However, just because addictions run in families does not mean that an individual will develop one.

Culture and environment also play an important role in how a person responds to a behaviour or a substance. A lack of disruption in the social support system of a person can cause behavioural or substance addiction. Traumatic experience affecting coping abilities can also give rise to addictive behaviours.

Addiction often plays out in stages. The reaction of your body and brain at early stages of addiction are different from reactions during the later stages. Following are the four stages of addiction:

  • Experimentation: Engages in or uses out of curiosity.
  • Regular or social: Engages in social situations or uses for social reasons.
  • Risk or problem: Engages in an extreme way or uses a particular substance with disregard for consequences.
  • Dependency: Engages in a behaviour on a daily basis or uses several times per day despite possible negative consequences.

Untreated addiction can cause long-term consequences. Following are some of these consequences:

  • Psychological and emotional, such as stress, anxiety, and depression.
  • Physical, including HIV/AIDS, and neurological damage.
  • Social, such as damaged relationships and jail.
  • Economic, including debt and bankruptcy.

Different behaviours and substances have different effects on the health of a person. Serious complications can lead to social situations or health concerns to result in the end of a life.

All forms of addiction are treatable. The best plans are comprehensive, as addiction usually affects many areas of life. Treatments will focus on helping you or the individual you know stop seeking and engaging in addiction.

Common therapies include:

  • Psychotherapy, including talk, behavioural, and group therapies.
  • Medications for mental disorders like schizophrenia or depression.
  • Medical services for the treatment of serious complications of addiction, such as withdrawal symptoms during detox.
  • Addiction case manager, to help check and coordinate ongoing treatment.
  • Self-help and support groups.
  • Inpatient addiction treatment.

You can also see your primary care doctor for an assessment. The treatment type recommended by a doctor depends on the stage and severity of the addiction. When the addiction is at early stages, a healthcare provider may recommend therapy and medication. More advanced stages may benefit from inpatient addiction treatment in a controlled setting.

We endeavour to provide outpatient de-addiction services. This multidisciplinary approach is opted so that patients can be referred from any speciality. Reciprocity also exists there so that patients will be referred to the concerned specialities for appropriate medical care.

Leading a healthy lifestyle, free from addiction has many health benefits including cardiac and respiratory benefits. It also helps you feel more energetic and rebuild relationships and families.

Do you know someone with a tobacco addiction? Does any family member have alcohol addiction? You have come to the right place for medical help. We offer multidisciplinary care where clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, counselling psychologists, mental health nurses, and occupational therapists all work together for the best patient outcomes. Fight all forms of addiction in Indore with our team. We also provide assistance and counselling to those who stay with the patient at all times, including spouse, family members, and relatives.

De-addiction treatment and therapy for all addictive agents is provided at the Department of Psychiatry at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Indore. The main requirement for effective care is that the patient is confident and motivated for quitting. When this happens, the treatment is more successful. Even uncooperative and unwilling patients get motivated during their stay at the hospital and make progress. Consult our team for de-addiction services in Indore.

The Department of Psychiatry at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Indore offers diagnostic and curative services for a wide range of psychiatric disorders. The treatment plans are established after a thorough clinical examination and history taking. The overall condition of the client and as well the personal preferences of his family are taken into account before considering the treatment options. All the procedures are performed following international protocols and quality standards. Meet the best counselors in Indore at our hospital.